Hack@Home is a free, 4-day virtual hackathon hosted by Full Stack at Brown open to high school and college students that debuted in the midst of a pandemic. The event hosted 350 students of varying (or no) coding experience and consisted of competitive workshops, discussion panels, speakers, a Brown University Minecraft server, and more.

[Hover over and experience our 3D website above or check it out on the full screen here, developed by Johnny Roy and Clara Guo.](https://fullstackatbrown.github.io/hack-at-home/home.html)

Hover over and experience our 3D website above or check it out on the full screen here, developed by Johnny Roy and Clara Guo.


As design lead, I conceptualised the hackathon's main theme — a very literal interpretation of what it's like to hack while stuck at "home" during a pandemic, with the "home" that we tried to visualise modelled from an off-campus apartment. The visual identity was largely inspired by posters with minimalist, colourful landscapes like these, which use large, flat, blocks of colour to imply the existence of 3D space. Alongside Trent Kim, I learned how to model and render in Blender; in terms of work flow, Trent focused more on the layout and rendering of graphics, while I spent more time modelling.


Logo & Style Guide

The logo simply encapsulates the two elements of the event, with the HTML syntax alluding to the "hack" and the emoji-like house signalling to the "home". The house is drawn with the same line weight and rounded caps as the Cutive Mono typeface to make it seem believably part of the family, while the monospaced typeface nods to the fonts used in programming but has a wide, relaxed twist to it.



[Hover over and experience our 2D/3D website above or check it out on the full screen here, developed by Johnny Roy and Emily Wu](https://fullstackatbrown.github.io/hack-at-home/)

Hover over and experience our 2D/3D website above or check it out on the full screen here, developed by Johnny Roy and Emily Wu

Publicity Graphics







Special thanks to Trent Lowe